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Guatemala - Political Flags

Last modified: 2021-05-02 by rob raeside
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Tribunal Supremo Electoral (TSE) (The Election Supreme Court)

image by Ivan Sache, 7 April 2021

The Election Supreme Court (Tribunal Supremo Electoral - TSE) was established by Constitutional Law No. 30 promulgated on 23 March 1983.

The flag of the TSE is white with the court's emblem in the center.

Ivan Sache, 7 April 2021

Comité de Desarrollo Campesino - CODECA

image by Ivan Sache, 7 April 2021/p

Flag: Rectangle approx. 4:5 (photo image). White field probably charged with the CODECA logo.
Source of logo: accessed 18 September 2018,

Caption to photo: "A movement of poor and indigenous people block sections of the Pan-American highway in Guatemala to protest against the decision by the country’s president, Jimmy Morales, to end the mandate of the UN-sponsored International Commission Against Impunity in Guatemala . . . "
Source of photo: (flipped image) “Politics.” The Economist September 15th - 21st 2018: 7.

"CODECA (Comité de Desarrollo Campesino) is a human rights organisation based in Mazatenango, Suchitepéquez, Guatemala. Since 1992, CODECA has been working on improving the situation of the rural poor in Guatemala, focusing on issues such as the wage conditions for farmers, land reform and nationalisation of electric energy in the country."
Source of quote: accessed 18 September 2018,
Peter Edwards, 19 September 2018

Ivan Sache, 7 April 2021

Compromiso, Renovación y Orden (CREO) (Commitment, Renewal and Order)

[Che flag] image by Ivan Sache, 7 April 2021

Compromiso, Renovación y Orden (CREO) was established on 27 October 2010 as splinter from the Gran Alianza Nacional (GANA) coalition.
Party's candidate in the 2011 presidential election, Eudardo Suger, obtained 16% of the votes (3rd most voted); in the next elections (2015 and 2019), the party's candidates obtained less than 4% of the votes.

The flag of CREO is white with the party's emblem.

Ivan Sache, 7 April 2021

Ejército Guerrillero de los Pobres (Guerrilla Army of the Poor)

[Che flag] image by Ivan Sache, 7 April 2021

If I recall correctly a similar design to the above with different inscription was used by one of the guerrilla movements in Guatemala.
Jaume Ollé, 3 August 1998

The image is most likely the flag of the EGP (Ejército Guerrillero de los Pobres, Guerrilla Army of the Poor) which depicts a face of Ernesto Guevara de la Serna, a. "El Ché".
E. R., 8 May 2005

The flag of the EGP, as described in "Compañeros", No. 5 (1981) is read with the black effigy of Che Guevara and the black letters "EGP" beneath it, the whole surrounded by 23 small yellow stars and another two bigger yellow stars in base.

Red represents the Proletarian Revolution. Red is the color of the never forgotten blood shed by all peoples in the liberation struggle. Black is the symbol of war. In the Guatemalan indigenous culture, black color is associated with warfare. Yellow is the color adopted by the country's mass organizations as an identification signal in their struggle.
The effigy of Commandante Ernesto Che Guevara is a symbol of the political and internationalist-revolutionary character of the organization.
The 23 yellow stars arranged in a semi-circle represent the Guatemalan indigenous ethnic groups and the Ladino population. Some of these ethnic groups do not exist any longer but are claimed as component of the country's history and as evidence of the vigor of the indigenous culture and of national oppression exerted by the dominant classes.
The two bigger stars are a symbol of the alliance between workers and farmers, the class base of the Guatemalan Revolution.
Ivan Sache, 7 April 2021

Enceuntro per Guatemala (EG) (Together for Guatemala)

image by Ivan Sache, 7 April 2021

Enceuntro per Guatemala (EG) (Together for Guatemala) was established in 2007 by Nineth Montenegro.
The party was cancelled by the TSE after it had gained less than 5% of the votes and failed to secure a seat at the Congress in the 2019 election.

The flag of EG was white with the party's emblem.

Ivan Sache, 7 April 2021

Frente de Convergencia Nacional (FCN) (National Convergence Front)

image by Ivan Sache, 7 April 2021

The Frente de Convergencia Nacional (FCN) (National Convergence Front) was established on 7 January 2008 by retired officers of the army.
Party's candidate Jimmy Morales was elected President of the Republic in 2015 but the party secured only 11 out of the 160 seats at the Congress.

The flag of the FCN is white with the party's emblem.

Ivan Sache, 7 April 2021

Frente Republicano Guatemalteco (Guatemalan Republican Front)

image by Ivan Sache, 7 April 2021/p

TThe Frente Republicano Guatemalteco (FRG) was established in 1989 by General Efraín Ríos Montt (1926-2018), who had proclaimed in March 1982 the state of emergency, leading a dictatorship until being overthrown in August 1983. Ríos Montt was sentenced in 2013 to 80 years in jail for genocide and crimes against humanity, the sentence was suspended by the Constitutional Court for procedural issues.
Weakened by the corruption affairs of the government led by Alfonso Portillo and the withdrawal of the Ríos Montt family, the FRG changed its name in 2012 for Partido Republicano Institucional (PRI). In the 2015 elections, the party did not receive enough votes to be still Ivan Sache, 7 April 2021

image located by James Dignan, 22 May 2011

There was an interesting, if harrowing, BBC World report the other night on the effects of war on women, dealing specifically with such countries as Guatemala and Congo. Part of the programme included a short interview with a spokeswoman for the Guatemalan Republican Front political party (FRG).
James Dignan, 22 May 2011

Movimiento de Liberación Nacional (National Liberation Movement)

by Jorge Candeias, 7 January 2000

Image based on reported by Christopher Dent. The party is called Movimiento de Liberación Nacional (Movement of National Liberation) and, assuming it's flag is as represented in the symbol, it is a vertical tricolour of blue, white and red, charged with a blue dagger or sword in the white band and the initials along the bottom, each letter in it's band and with contrasting colours. Meaning that the M and the N are white and the L is blue.
Jorge Candeias, 7 January 2000

There is a photo at with the inscription: "Relatives and supporters of former Guatemalan Vice President Mario Sandoval Alarcon carry his coffin along with a flag of the National Liberation Movement during the funeral service at the general cemetery in Guatemala City on Friday, April 18, 2003. Sandoval, who served as vice president between 1974 and 1978 in the government of Gen. Kjell Laugerud, died Thursday at the age of 79. (AP Photo/Jesus Alfonso)".
Zach Harden, 19 April 2003

The Movimiento de Liberación Nacional (MLN) was established in 1954. Strongly involved in the ousting of President Jacobo Árbenz. As Guatemala's main party from 1954 to 1982, the MLN earned the nickname of "party of organized violence" due to its close connection with death squads.
The MLN's candidate, Carlos Arana Osorio, was elected President of the Republic in 1970; so was Kjell Laugerud in 1974.
Having obtained no seat and less than 5% of the votes in the 1999 elections, the MLN was cancelled the same year.
Ivan Sache, 7 April 2021

Movimiento para la Liberación de los Pueblos (MLP) (Movement for the Liberation of the Peoples)

image by Ivan Sache, 7 April 2021

Its candidate, Thelma Cabrera, obtained 10% of the votes (4th most voted) in the 2019 presidential election.

The flag of the MLP is white with the party's emblem.

Ivan Sache, 7 April 2021

Movimiento Politico Winaq (Winaq Political Movement)

image by Ivan Sache, 7 April 2021

Movimiento Politico Winaq was established on 14 April 2011 as Guatemala's first indigenous party. As part of the Frente Amplio coalition, the party supported Nobel Peace Prize 1992 Rigoberta Menchu (b. 1959) as candidate to the 2011 presidential election.

The flag of Winaq is white with the party's emblem in the center.

Ivan Sache, 7 April 2021

image by Ivan Sache, 7 April 2021

The flag is also used without the black writing "Movimiento Politico".

Ivan Sache, 7 April 2021

Movimiento Reformador (MR) (Reformer Movement)

image by Ivan Sache, 7 April 2021p

The Movimiento Reformador (MR) was established on 3 August 2002, as the re-foundation of Partido Laborista Guatemalteco, and registered on 23 October 2002.
The MR was member of the Gran Alianza Nacional (GANA) coalition that won the general elections in 2003. It was a government party until August 2006, when its leader, Jorge Briz Abularach, resigned from the office of Minister of Foreign Affairs.
The party was renamed to Podemos on 12 June 2018.

The flag of MR hoisted at the TSE is white with the party's emblem in the center and the party's name below.

Ivan Sache, 7 April 2021

Partido de Avanzada Nacional (National Advance Party)

image by Ivan Sache, 7 April 2021

The Partido de Avanzada Nacional (PAN) was registered in 1989, succeeding the Plan de Avanzada Nacional civic committee. The party's founder, Álvaro Arzú Irigoyen (1946-2018), was elected President of the Republic in 1995, and Mayor of Guatemala City from 1986 to 1990 and from 2004 to his death. The party subsequently lost its significance but remained the most durable political organization since the advent of democracy in Guatemala.
In March 2020, the TSE terminated the party because of concealed funding in 2014 and 2015. The name, image and emblem of terminated parties are banned of use for the next ten years.
El Periodico, 6 March 2020

The flag of the PAN is yellow with the party's emblem.


The emblem of the PAN is prescribed in Article 2 of the party's Statutes as follows.brThThe party's emblem and symbol consists in a blue arrow pointing upwards and slanted to the right, superimposed at mid height with the acronym "PAN", in yellow. Beneath the arrow's lower edge is inscribed "RESPONDE" [Answer] in red color, between exclamation marks, the word's first letter being placed in a lower position than the last one.
Ivan Sache, 7 April 2021

Partido Humanista de Guatemala (PHG) (Humanist Party of Guatemala)

image by Ivan Sache, 7 April 2021

The Partido Humanista de Guatemala (PHG) was established on 17 June 2017. Party's candidate Edmond Mulet obtained 11% of the votes (3rd most voted) in the 2019 presidential election.

The flag of the PHG is white with the party's emblem in the center,

Ivan Sache, 7 April 2021

Partido Patriota (Patriotic Party)

image by Zoltan Horvath, 16 January 2012

The Patriotic Party (Partido Patriota) is a right wing political party in Guatemala. It was founded on 24 February 2001 by retired Army General Otto Pérez Molina, who won the last presidential election in Guatemala in November 2011. He was elected president with 54% of the vote, and he assumed his office on 14 January 2012.
The party flag is plain white with party emblem placed in the center of the flag.
Images of flag:
Symbolism and image of party emblem (in Spanish):
Home page:
Zoltan Horvath, 16 January 2012

The party emblem is made of a white fist placed over an orange disk outlined in white and orange. The party name is written in blue capital letters, on two lines.
"The fist means liberty, firmness, strength and the commitment of the Guatemala people to build a better future. The disk symbolizes unity and solidarity, a characteristic of the party and of all the patriots who love their country. Orange and the stylized line represent dynamism and action, a  characteristic of all patriots committed to the country's welfare. To  build a better future, the country needs men and women who promote liberty with firmness and character."
Ivan Sache, 22 January 2012

In the aftermath of the unveiling of the La Linea customs corruption ring, Pérez Molina resigned from the Presidency on 2 September 2015. The Partido Patriota was dissolved on court order in January 2017.
Ivan Sache, 7 April 2021

Partido Republicano Institucional (PRI) (Institutional Republican Party)

image by Ivan Sache, 7 April 2021

The flag of the PRI was white with the party's emblem, which appears to be modeled on the emblem of the Mexican party of the same name, with appropriate national colors.

Ivan Sache, 7 April 2021

Partido Unionista (Unionist Party)

image by Ivan Sache, 7 April 2021

Partido Unionista (PU) was established on 3 September 2002 as a splinter of the Partido de Avanzada Nacional led by Álvaro Arzú, President of the Republic (1996-2000) and Mayor of Guatemala City from 2004 to 2018.

The flag of Partido Unionista is white with the party's emblem in the center.


Ivan Sache, 7 April 2021

Prosperidad Ciudadana (Citizen Prosperity)

image by Ivan Sache, 7 April 2021

Prosperidad Ciudadana was registered on 26 June 2016

The flag of PC is vertically divided yellow-white-blue with the party's emblem in the center. Edwin Escobar Hill, Mayor of Villa Nueva, was appointed the party's candidate to the 2019 presidential election, but he was turned down by the TSE. Te party obtained 3 out of the 160 seats at the Congress.

The flag of PC is vertically divided blue-white-yellow with the party's emblem in the center.

Ivan Sache, 7 April 2021

Todos (All)

image by Ivan Sache, 7 April 2021

 was established on 26 August 2012 and registered on 15 October 2012.
The party originates in a parliamentary group established in November 2011 by seven members of Unidad Nacional de la Esperanza (UNE) led by Roberto Alejos (b. 1960), former President of the Congress (2009-2012).
To register Todos, Alejos purchased he registration of the dormant Los Verdes, which is not prohibited by law but considered by the TSE as "a lame practice damageable for democracy".

The flag of TODOS is purple with the party's emblem in the center.

Ivan Sache, 7 April 2021

image by Ivan Sache, 7 April 2021

The flag of TODOS hoisted at the TSE is white with the party's emblem in the center.

Ivan Sache, 7 April 2021

Unidad Nacional de Esperanza (UNE) (National Unity of Hope)

image by Ivan Sache, 7 April 2021

Unidad Nacional de Esperanza (UNE) was established on 6 September 2002. The party's candidate, Álvaro Colom, was defeated by Óscar Berger in the second round of the 2013 presidential election; in 2007, he defeated Otto Pérez Molina and was elected President of the Republic. His wife, Sandra Torres, was candidate at the 2011 elections, but was invalidated by the TSE, the Supreme Court of Justice and the Constitutional Court. In 2015, Torres was defeated in the second round by Jimmy Morales, as she was in 2019 by Alejandro Giammattei.

The flag of UNE is white with the party's emblem in the center.

Ivan Sache, 7 April 2021

image by Ivan Sache, 7 April 2021

The flag is also used with a green background.

Ivan Sache, 7 April 2021

Unidad Revolucionaria Nacional Guatemalteca (Guatemalan National Revolutionary Unity)

image by Jaume Ollé, 8 May 2005/p

The flag of the Guatemalan National Revolutionary Unity (Unidad Revolucionaria Nacional Guatemalteca) uses the national colours. It is a light blue flag (the same shade than the national flag) with the initials in white. Those colours are also used on scarves, banners, t-shirts, etc.. The logo of the party contains the initials in blue (on white background) and a panocha (corncob) of yellow corn with green trunk.
Jaume Ollé, 24 March 2002

The factions that made up the URNG were:
-- PGT (Partido Guatemalteco del Trabajo, Guatemalan Labor Party)
- FAR (Fuerzas Armadas Rebeldes, Rebel Armed Forces)
- EGP (Ejército Guerrillero de los Pobres, Guerrilla Army of the Poor)
- ORPA (Organización Pueblo en Armas, Revolutionary Organization of Armed People).
E. R., 8 May 2005

Guatemalan National Revolutionary Unity (URNG - Unidad Revolucionaria Nacional Gautemalteca):
Founding Philosophy: The Guatemalan National Revolutionary Unity (URNG) was an umbrella organization (guerrilla movement) that emerged in Guatemala in 1982. It represented the principal leftist organizations, who embodied a mix of insurgent warfare, terrorism and political activism. The URNG was formed by four Marxist groups active in Guatemala in the 1970s: the Guerrilla Army of the Poor (EGP), the Revolutionary Organization of Armed People (ORPA), the Rebel Armed Forces (FAR), and the Guatemalan Labor Party (PGT). After the merger, the URNG became the principal opposition group in the Guatemalan Civil War, which had pitted right-wing governments, often dominated by the military, against a number of left-wing groups. Combatants in the civil war also included right-wing paramilitary groups, sometimes known as "death squads."br Despite the official merger of the three groups into the URNG, each maintained its own leadership structure; terrorist attacks were claimed most often under the name of the individual group, not as the URNG.
Current Goals: The Guatemalan Civil War ended in 1996. Since then, after a peace process brokered by the United Nations it laid down its arms in 1996 and became a legitimate political party in 1998. It now operates as a peaceful political party.
E. R., 6 July 2005


image by Ivan Sache, 7 April 2021

There is also a white flag with the logo.
Jaume Ollé, 27 March 2005

image by Ivan Sache, 7 April 2021

The party's full name is URNG-MAIZ.
One of the party's flags is is white with the movement's emblem.

Ivan Sache,, 7 April 2021

Unidos (United)

image by Ivan Sache, 7 April 2021

Unidos was established in 2015 and cancelled in 2020 by the TSE after it had gained less than 5% of the votes and failed to secure a seat at the Congress in the 2019 election.

The flag of Unidos is white with the party's emblem.

Ivan Sache, 7 April 2021


image by Ivan Sache, 7 April 2021

Valor was presented by Zury Ríos (b. 1956) on 4 April 2018, three days after the death of her father, General Efraín Ríos Montt (1926-2018). After a coup, Ríos Montt proclaimed in March 1982 the state of emergency, leading a dictatorship until being overthrown in August 1983. Ríos Montt was sentenced in 2013 to 80 years in jail for genocide and crimes against humanity, the sentence was suspended by the Constitutional Court for procedural issues.

Valor is a "classical conservative" party defending private property, law and order, opposed to abortion and promoting the establishment of capital punishment.

Zury Ríos was member of the Congress of the Republic from 1996 to 2012, representing Frente Republicano Guatemalteco (FRG), the party founded in 1989 by her father. Weakened the corruption affairs of the government led by Alfonso Portillo and the withdrawal of the Ríos Montt family, the FRG changed its name in 2012 for Partido Republicano Institucional (PRI). In the 2015 elections, the party did not receive enough votes to be still registered.
In search of a new party, Zury Ríos announced she would be candidate at the 2015presidential election for an old, dormant party called Partido Libertador Progresista. The party was not registered by the TSE, which found that it has forged 12,000 supporting signatures. Zury Ríos eventually ran for Visión con Valores (VIVA), being the 5th most voted candaidate (less than 6% of the votes).

Presented as a brand new party, Valor is indeed a clone of the old Partido Liberal Progresista (FLP), which applied at the TSE for a new name on 30 October 2016.
The FLP was established in 1994 by Acisclo Valladares Molina. The party entered the general elections only twice, in 1995 and 1999, chaired by the Valladares family in both instances. Since then, the party remained "dormant" rather than competing in elections and being terminated due to its low number of votes.
Zury Ríos purchased the registration of the dormant FLP, which is not prohibited by law but considered by the TSE as "a lame practice damageable for democracy".

The flag of Valor is white with the party's emblem in the center.

Ivan Sache, 7 April 2021

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