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Labour Party (Israel)

Mifleget HaAvoda HaYisraelit

Last modified: 2024-01-13 by martin karner
Keywords: labour party | ha'avoda | avoda | meymad | mifleget ha'avoda | labour party youth | ha'noar ha'oved ve-ha'lomed | mapai |
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[Labour Party (Israel)]
image by Željko Heimer| 8:11

See also:


The Labour (One Israel) Party flags show their logo [instead of the Magen David] on the national flag.
Dov Gutterman, 19 May 1999/13 December 2000

This is not an official flag and has no specifications, but it is hoisted in front of the party headquarters in Tel-Aviv. The size of the emblem could differ from one production series to another. I guess it depends in who the manufacturer is.
Dov Gutterman

The Labour party used to use the red colour. However, it uses now also only the national colours (blue-white), sometimes with the emblem with lighter shade of blue.
Dov Gutterman, 21/29 August 2001

This week there was the "official" beginning of 2003 elections campeign (Elections due to 28 January). I am watching the TV promotions just to see if any flags are used.
I saw the flag of the Labour party – red logo and blue inscription on the central white stripe of "national" background, same as previously reported.
Dov Gutterman, 9 January 2003

Full name in 2003 elections: HaAvoda – Meymad BeRashut Mitzna (The Labour – Meymad (=dimention) led by Mitzna (= Amram Mitzna, party leader)
Letters: Alef-Mem-Tav (EMET=truth)
Flag/logo: red logo and blue party name on national flag
Remarks: Appeared as Israel Akhat (= One Israel) on 2000 elections.
Dov Gutterman, 17/28 January 2003

HaAvoda-Meymad BeRashut Amir Peretz (Labor – meymad led by Amir Peretz) is the General Elections of 2006 list of Mifleget HaAvoda HaYisraelit (Israeli Labor Party) together with is tiny moderate religious partner MeymadMedina Yehudit Medina Democratit" (Meymad [Dimension] – Jewish State – Democratic State). Its leader, Amir Peretz was formerly the leader of "Am Ehad Berashut Amir Peretz" (One Nation led by Amir Peretz), which won two seats in 2003 elections and later incorporated into the Labor Party. The list use its veteran letters "alef-mem-tav" making it emet (truth) which also became a nickname to the party. The labor party was founded in 1968 with the unification of three socialist Parties:

1) MAPAI – Mifleget Po'aly Eretz Yisrael (Israel Land Worker Party) that was founded in 1930 by unification of HaPoel HaTza'ir (The Young Worker – founded 1905) and Akhdut HaAvoda (Labour Unity – founded 1919) and since its foundation was the ruling party, first in the Zionist organizations and later in Israel. Its leaders, David Ben Gurion, Moshe Sharet and Levi Eshkol were the first three prime ministers of Israel, the last one initiated the foundation of the labor party.

2) Akhdut HaAvoda – Po'alei Zion (Labor Unity – Zion' Workers) – Split from Mapam in 1958 – ran together with MAPAI since1965

3) RAFI – Reshimat Po'alei Yisrael (Israel Workers List) – Split from MAPAI in 1965 and led by David Ben Gurion.

The labor party was the ruling party until 1977 and since then the government shifted hands few times. Golda Meir, Yitzhak Rabin, Shimon Peres and Ehud Baraq were PM's from the labor party.
The party took a blow in 2003 election getting only 19 seats. Some key figures from this party such as former PM Shimon Peres joined Kadima.
The party got 19 seats also in the 2006 election. Considering the fact that some key members retired and joined Kadima and that the party was led by a "new" face, it is considered as a good result. The party joined the coalition with Amir Peretz as Minister of Defense.
Ha'Avoda logo is the party name beside an ear. Using it between two blue stripes as the national flag, make it the party flag.

Dov Gutterman, 7 June 2006

Flag Variant

[Labour Party, flag variant (Israel)]
image by Željko Heimer | 8:11

I believe both flags are used. Better made flags (in use at the party headquarters etc.) show the red emblem. Those for common use (plastic flags etc.) have an all-blue emblem, probably to save costs.
Dov Gutterman, 21 January 2003

Labour Party Youth

Ha'Noar Ha'Oved ve-Ha'Lomed

Scanned from today's Yediot Akhronot newspaper, as seen in a youth demonstration in Jerusalem, the flag of the youth movement Ha'Noar Ha'Oved ve-Ha'Lomed. It is one of the biggest youth movements in Israel and it has, as can be understood from its flag, a socialist background. Even though not officially connected, it can be regarded as the Labour Party youth movement.
Dov Gutterman, 10 April 2000

Here is a photo of the flag from, reported by Inbar Gutterman. The flag is red and charged with the emblem of the movement. Emblem at at The insciption on the scroll is the movement motto: "La'Avoda, Le'Hagana Ve'La'Shalom Ale Ve'Hagshem" (= For labour, defense and peace – Rise and fullfil).
Branches (a.k.a. Ken, p. Kinim = nest(s)) use the same flag with inscription of the branch name.
Dov Gutterman, 13 July 2004

Historical Flag of MAPAI

At the Israeli National Photo Collection there is a photo of "A MAY DAY DEMONSTRATION IN RAMLE 01/05/1949".
Note the flag in front – it is probably the flag of MAPAI (Mifleget Poalei Eretz Yisrael – Israel Land Workers Party) – the predecessors of the labour party.
Dov Gutterman, 12 March 2005


MeymadMedina Yehudit Medina Democratit" (Meymad [Dimension] – Jewish State – Democratic State), was founded in 1988 as a Zionist religious party and as a counter-weight to the right wing religious and the ultra-orthodox parties and since 1999 ran together with the labor party. Web site at
Dov Gutterman, 7 June 2006

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